Words from Deuteronomy
Words from Deuteronomy
"Dread not; neither, be afraid of them", Deuteronomy 1: 29 is interestingly empowering. Most of our time on this earth we are entertained by various forms of imaginatives created by those who think they have control over each of us. However, whatever the plight, fight or cause; it is an illusiveness that requires you to believe in that which you may have been programmed for or forced to do. I have always believed that the Almighty God fights my battles; that is, as an individual or as a collective; me.
Far too often, we are not reading the Word of God or not steering our children toward reading the Holy Writ; for whatever the reasoning. Similarly to how we eat our food from day to day, we eat to get full, yet, we don't take the initiative to understand what we eat; when we should eat, or why we eat the things which are relative to nurturing our bodies; or in fact, what foods affect us adversely to the proper functioning of our bodies. With that said; we also don't apply any logic to what we read; when we should read, or what is the meaning of what we read relative to, how our reading has affected our inner being; our soul.
The Holy Word was given to each of us; representing a guide for our daily living; and, not simply so. We read the Word; and do not know that these words are full of Spiritual Messages to give us courage, strength, and tenacity. God's Holy Word has been fortified with a message within a message which can sustain each of us for whatever the stand, situation, or condition. In essence, I encourage you; my sister, my brother, or any person with a willingness to understand, and to the one who reads these few words written by me: Read the Holy Writ.
Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God to enter into your heart, fill you with the understanding to discern what the Living Word is saying to you, and believe in your heart that
The Master of the Uni- verse is listening to each and every word that comes out of your mouth.
Love and Peace
Published: Jean Lee
Noted by: Sis 'U'
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee
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