The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Friday, April 10, 2020



We have heard so much about your suffering through pain, ailments. and disease.  We want to share
with you many ways to overcome most problems
which can and do occur in our several families
before tragedy strikes.

Most times, we are limited to the given knowledge shared with us as advice from professionals. These professionals are relying solely on what they have been taught, on their own opinion or on the opinions of another colleague; they give resolve for a remedy, an ailment, a sickness, 
or pain with no improvement or healing.
Pain and ailments come which may affect us, and our loved ones. However, this advice may  
equal to your never having a true fix on the problem, the sickness, or the ailment that 
 you encounter.
For lack of personal know-how; you follow these instructions of others; wherein the blind may be leading the blind.  
On the other hand, this knowledge may have already been passed down through your family lineage as Natural Healing Medicinals and they 
 really work as a result of eating the right foods with prescribed 

We must begin to rely on the fact that Natural Healing is made possible by following the rules of exactness through thousands of years of naturally prepared potions, stews, concoctions,  and remedies.  You could find yourself healthy,  
completely relieved of the problematic reactions to a virus,  sickness, infections, 
and even pain;  if you would only believe in the process.   You will come to know this;  If its not too late;  maybe,  you may entertain your wellness abilities through  

Most of us are not aware that there is "Nothing new under the Sun", to quote King Solomon; one of the Ancient Noble Royal Families.   There will always seem to be newness; simply based on your unawareness of Yo'Natura Oscura.  So, as it relates to sickness, situations, and problems that may come;  and they will go. More than likely, we have forgotten most of what we've, no doubt, been taught.  Somewhere down the line;  we were taught at home, in school, or mysteriously innately;
but, believe me, we've been taught. 

In the past few months, I have written to you about taking a stand in correcting some things 
in your daily lives relative your eating habits; suggesting that you Drink Tea, 
and ultimately about making changes
in how you treat your body.  If you don't cook, you may not be aware 
of how important it is to include
in what you eat each day.

In the wake of Dr. Sebi; his advice, his valuable opinions, and his
his specific instructions;
I strongly suggest to you, now:  Connect with someone who has the knowledge of the true 
value of using your
for your body's sake.
Learn:   "know yourself"

Sis 'U'
Jean Lee

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Think Tea

Think Tea

Think Tea
Mama Jean's Tastee Teas
Jean Lee

Monday, April 6, 2020

A Perfect Time for Tea

A Perfect Time for Tea

Join Us For Tea, 

Will You?

25 Impressive Benefits of Black Tea

Try our Tea, Today

The Reali-Teas
Camellia Sinensis Plant

Mama Jean's Tastee Teas

Jean Lee 
Sis 'U'