The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Broccoli Offers

Broccoli Offers You


is a great source of 
vitamins K and C, a good source of folate (folic acid) 
and also provides potassium, fiber. 
Vitamin C – builds collagen, 
which forms body tissue and bone, 
and helps cuts and wounds heal. 
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant 
and protects the body from 
free radicals
online, 9/16/2019,

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