The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


We have Hemp Tea:  Available
Mama Jean's Tastee Teas

Hemp Tea Offers

Young hemp tea benefits:

  1. Increases red blood cell count
  2. Detoxifies the body
  3. Takes care of hormonal balance
  4. Prevents kidney stone formation
  5. Stimulates the immune system
  6. Inhibits aging
  7. Improves gastrointestinal function
  8. Helps with insomnia
  9. Promotes wound healing
  10. Strengthens the bones
  11. It takes care for a healthy oral cavity and prevents bad breath

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hemp Tea

Hemp Tea

We have Hemp Tea available
Mama Jean's Tastee Teas

Hemp Tea Offers

Young hemp tea benefits:

  1. Increases red blood cell count
  2. Detoxifies the body
  3. Takes care of hormonal balance
  4. Prevents kidney stone formation
  5. Stimulates the immune system
  6. Inhibits aging
  7. Improves gastrointestinal function
  8. Helps with insomnia
  9. Promotes wound healing
  10. Strengthens the bones
  11. It takes care for a healthy oral cavity and prevents bad breath

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Word with You

A Word with You

A word for you

For the most part, we continue to have the opportunity, daily, to do that which we choose to do with our lives.  

There are various things we really don't understand in this life..  However, all things have been set into place; we just react to the things as they are, pray, and proceed from there. We think that the world revolves only around us. 

Well, it does. Even though, there are many other things that we are required to do. If we don't have purpose and meaning in our lives, then why are we here?

A wiser than you or me has come, was sent, and is now available for you. I have found a most precious jewel in the words of Y'eshua. 

Y'eshua was sent, came, was and is. He was 'commissioned with a mission'; to guide you, stay with you in spirit, and to witness for you in truth. 

Sis 'U'

Stop, Think, and Read

Stop, Think, and Read

from beginning to its end

Replace the word
with the word

You are Speaking to God

Noted by:  Sis 'U'
Published by:  Jean Lee

Nature and Us

Nature and Us
Stop, think, and Research

What are Newton's 1st 2nd and 3rd laws of motion?
Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. ... The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Noted by:  Sis 'U'
Published by:  Jean Lee