The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Researcher

The Researcher

"I reach beyond what I'm told. I don't stand in the shadow. I step out from the rest, I am bold. I am an individual. I was sent, I came, I am.  When I seek, I find; when I ask, it is given; and when I knock, it is opened unto me. 

 The Holy Spirit is here for you and for me. Meditate; be still,while in silence, learn of God, know thyself; seek to know the Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit.  And begin to walk upright before God."

Quoted by:  Sis 'U'
Noted by:  Jean Lee
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

Things to Ponder

The Number Seven:

7 Holy Candles

7 Days of the Week

7 Holy Days of Feasting

7X7 Years= The Jubilee

70X7 For us to Forgive our Brother

7 Levels to Man

7 Times Around the Wall...,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In The Realm of Time

In the Realm of Time

Are we living in Fantasy or in a Reality? 

 Are you familiar with the story of Abraham, 

the father of the believers? 

 Do you know from where time derives? 

 How important is it to connect with others 

who think like you?
 If you know the answers, let's talk.

People do ask

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let's talk about

The Spirit within...,

How to know yourself...,

How you are me...,

Where is man's secret Haven...,

How to count your Blessings...,

Making wrongs, right...,

The three ...,

From whence cometh the wind...,

A Word For You

According to St. Thomas:

Yeshua, 'The Christ', says: Behold, the sower came forth--- he filled his hand, he threw. Some indeed fell upon the road---the birds came, they gathered them. Others fell on the bedrock---and they did not take root down into the soil, and did not sprout grain skyward. And others fell among the thorns---they choked the seed, and the worm ate them. And others fell upon the good earth---and it produced good fruit up toward the sky, it bore 60-fold and 120-fold.

Sis "U' quotes from the 'Sacred Writ'

Just to say a Word

According to the Apostle Thomas:

Yeshua says to his Disciples: Make a comparison to me, and tell me whom I resemble. Shimon Kefa says to him: Thou art like a righteous angel. Matthew says to him: Thou art like a philosopher of the heart. Thomas says to him: Oh Teacher, my mouth will not contain saying whom thou art like!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Food for Thought

A Special Prayer

There's a special prayer for you, today. Approximately 2000 years ago, the Apostle Thomas spoke a prayer of such magnitude that I was inspired to share a special prayer with you:

"Come Now, you Holy Spirit, Keeper of my five members bring with you Intelligence, Thought, Prudence, Reflection, and Reason," bring with you Holiness, Purity, Love, Charity, and Faith.

Also, bring to me Strength, Endurance, and Calm in this day, I pray, Amen.

note worthy:  ,The Apostle Thomas
An excerpt from a book of Thomas

A Letter to Share

It's Time to Think

There are so many activities to be involved with each day. How do we ever find time to stop, do a reality check; and smell the roses; Acknowledging the works of The Master, 

Our Creator, and Heavenly Father is crucial to our survival. So many gadgets; toys, games, pads, songs, post, stations, channels, and even our phones rob us of our time. Time is so very precious as it quickly fades. There are various time-consuming contraptions that don't seem to do anything except keep us tied up continually and these objects of our devoted attention interfere with what we are required to do. Our total persons are consumed; We can't see for looking. In essence, we are stumbling down the path of life with seemingly no aim, no objectives, no cares, and actually no regard for anything but what we call fun. I think, maybe, we should stop, wake up, pull off the blinders, pull to the side of the road to take a reality check. We need to stop to think; meditate, and be thankful. We should begin to praise in word and in song; "Thank you Master, Amen." "Thank you Heavenly Father, Amen."

"Thank you, Lord, Amen." "Thank you, Holy Spirit, Amen."

When we stop to think for a moment; we might ponder over how anything that was made, is made. You may even ask yourself how did I come to be? We could begin to examine the simple things in our lives that make life beautiful; the simplicity of a  smile. The beautiful things in life that prompt us to reason; where does it all come from? Who made it all? Was it all made for me that I could just waste my time on just doing nothing? Should I consider saying thanks to someone for all that I have?  Should I remember something; maybe, a thing that the Heavenly Father has required me to do? In each day of my life, should I try to help somebody?  Should I try to brighten someone's day with a smile? Have I done something special for someone else, today?

As each day passes, have I adored the beauty of the day which was given with sunshine or maybe, the rain?  Do I understand anything about why I am here on this plain called earth?  Do I know who makes the night to cover us at the close of each day?  Have I understood how life is sustained or why?  If I should give thanks to someone for all my senses, my well-being, or my being clothed in my right mind?  Who is it that I should reverence?

Stop, Think, Reflect

Tell the Holy Spirit about all the different reasons why you have to say thanks and to whom. Let's take a moment as one alone, two of us, collectively, together to acknowledge Our Heavenly Father for a few minor or maybe some major things that have happened, today, or even in your life. Now is the time to give thanks. Where you and I are gathered, there is the spirit of the Master.  If you would but take the time. Let us come together to give thanks at this very moment. Let us send Peace, Love, and Blessings to others; near, far, and around the world, who may read what we have to say.  Let's make a difference in someone's life today.  If you could possibly take a moment today, speak of the goodness which is received from our Heavenly Father.    Proverbs:  3: 5-6, says, in part that, "We should acknowledge our Heavenly Father in all our ways, and He will direct our path".  So, therefore, be bold; allow others to know how thankful you are for your sanity, guidance, and all your many Blessings.

Noted by Sis 'U'

Aysa Imani U-r-mee