The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Friday, November 5, 2021

10 Foods to Eat


Foods to Eat

10 foods you should eat when you are tired

If you are feeling tired during the day, then you may need to make a few changes in your diet. In many cases, diet is the cause of fatigue. There are many foods that can boost your energy.


Whole-grain rich foods are one of the best foods that you can eat if you are low on energy. Oatmeal is a great source of whole grains. They are also rich in complex carbohydrates. Studies have shown that people who eat a breakfast that is high in complex carbohydrates are more alert than people who eat a diet that is high in fat.


Nuts not only beat fatigue, but they can also fight hunger. That is why they make a great afternoon snack. Pecans, walnuts and cashews are some of the best types of nuts that you can eat.


Bananas are filled with natural sugar, amino acids and complex carbohydrates. It also has tyrosine. This is an animo acid that helps improve alertness.


If you frequently drink sodas and fruit juices, then you may want to drink water instead. Drinking water is one of the simplest things that you can do to boost your energy. In many cases, dehydration is the cause of fatigue.


Avocados are filled with healthy fats. These healthy fats can increase energy and satiety. They also help fight inflammation, which has been shown to cause fatigue.

Fresh Fruits

Fresh foods have more nutrients than processed foods. Foods that are processed are often stripped of important nutrients. Apples, oranges, pears and peaches are some of the energy-boosting fresh fruits that you can try.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has caffeine, so it is great to eat if you are tired. Not only can dark chocolate boost energy, but it can also improve cognitive function. Additionally, dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants that can improve your overall health.

Lean Protein

Lean meat, such as chicken and fish, are low in fat. They are also a great source of protein. Fish also has omega 3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. Protein-rich foods help boost energy.

Leafy Greens

Kale, swiss chard and spinach are examples of leafy greens. They are filled with fiber and protein, which can increase your energy. Furthermore, they are filled with disease-fighting antioxidants.


Berries are high in fiber. They also have natural sugar. Not only can berries increase your energy, but they can also improve motor performance.

online, Friday/

Noted by Jean Lee

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