The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Something 2 Share

Something 2 Share 

(CNN)Paul Ryan knew that he had a problem. Donald Trump had been elected president and now Ryan, as the Republican Speaker of the House, had to find ways to work with him -- despite the two men's totally opposite approaches to life and politics.

What he did -- as documented in the new book "Peril" by authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa -- is both remarkable and revealing.
Here's the passage:
    "Ryan began, on his own, to research how to deal with someone who is amoral and transactional. The exercise initially was difficult. Ryan liked to call himself a 'policy guy' but his wonkiness did not extend from the realm of Social Security and Medicare into psychiatry.
      "Then a wealthy new York doctor and Republican donor called Ryan and said 'You need to understand what narcissistic personality disorder is.' "
        The doctor sent Ryan a memo on "how to best deal with a person with anti-social personality disorder" and a variety of links to medical journals on the disorder. Ryan, Woodward and Costa note, "studied them for weeks, convinced that Trump had the personality disorder." A spokesperson for Ryan didn't respond to a request for comment.
        Ryan eventually decided that dealing with Trump was simply not worth it -- shocking the political world by announcing his retirement in early 2018.
          This episode is one of a series in "Peril" that suggests that top Republican leaders, even while insisting all was well with Trump on the surface, believed that something could be very wrong with the President. ., online/09/19/2021

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