The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Four Thieves Vinegar

four thieves vinegar: myths & history

four thieves vinegar: ancient remedy, modern uses

While this garden remedy may or may not have helped grave robbers and thieves to stave off the plague that ravaged Europe centuries ago, it seems modern herbalists and gardeners have revived the interest in this garden remedy. Many herbalists use it as a cleansing agent – transferring it to a spray bottle and using it to clean and sterilize kitchen counters or bathrooms; indeed, many of the herbs posess strong antimicrobial effects and vinegar, in any case, makes an excellent natural cleanser. Others recommend using Four Thieves Vinegar in personal care, diluted with water of course, as a cleansing agent for the skin or as an astringent. Among neo-Pagan circles, Four Thieves Vinegar is thought to have protective qualities and some swear that if you dress your doorstep with the vinegar, it’ll keep your enemies away., online,1217/2020

Image result for four thieves vinegar history
Mythology. The usual story declares that a group of thieves during a European plague outbreak were robbing the dead or the sick. ... Another version says that the thieves had already been caught before the outbreak and their sentence had been to bury dead plague victims; to survive this punishment, they created the vinegar ...
google, onlinne, 12/25/2020

Was Thieves oil used during the plague?
According to the long-told historic tale…. The use of thieves oil dates alllll the way back to the year 1413. The time of the infamous Bubonic Plague (aka The Black Death) that devastated a large portion of France. ... The thieves never contracted the plague, despite the close contact with the Black-Death victims.Dec 11, 2016...onlie, 12/25/2020

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