The Wise Thing to Do

Whenever there is a matter of true concern, complex or simple, if unresolved, give the matter to the Master. Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you, place your, non-doubting, trust in your Heavenly Father to see you through and expect great things to happen. Our Heavenly Father knows best.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Food for Thought

Today's Food For Thought

Most of the time, we mis-step daily when it comes to doing what we should for ourselves.  We have a tendency to think about how we affect others, rather than give more attention to ourselves. 

Relative to food consumption, we just eat to fill our tummies.  We really don't think about what goes into the body, we just make sure we get full of whatever we chose to eat.  But, the thing is this, we should first care about what we are consuming; such as mixtures, potions, beverages, most importantly drugs and chemicals   Also, we should know how chemicals interact with and affect our mind and bodies. Most of what we eat has been affected by a chemical or two, give or take a few.  I have discovered a few age-old  'Home Remedies' everyone should learn and know about, maybe even to the point of replacing some of the foods we eat. 

Your Good Health  Your good health is the primary reason you must consider the benefits of certain foods or the lack thereof; when taking care of your body.  Please acknowledge this, "your body was a gift for you to use the rest of your life". Even though you may not know the exact proponents that will make your body strong and healthy,  it is, indeed, known how to build and maintain a strong healthy one.

Most of us think that we can eat whatever we want or as much as we may delight in; when we want, what we want and however we want. But, too much entering the bodies' system at certain points in time, may lead to a serious handicap and result in you receiving a curb ball in the physical, as well as in our thoughts.  

A Strong and Healthy Body  Some people think you need a lot of money in order to obtain/maintain a strong and healthy body;  that is definitely not true.  A body needs to be, first, Cleansed/Detoxed from foreign properties (agents, viruses, or germs) which could in turn, affect the complete immune system .  Subsequentially to cleansing, the body should be maintained daily with herbs, nuts, spices, fruit, vitamins, and minerals.  And thirdly, the consumption of clean drinking water is a must.

Simple Solutions I believe all matters relative to obtaining a strong and healthy body require very simple solutions; yet as members of the hu-man race, we tend to complicate just about everything.  Lots of simple solutions will be offered here at 'tipsontop' promoting good natural health for everyone.

Shared Notes 
by Sis 'U'
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

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